Explore Museum Park & The Station through Free Family Scavenger Hunt Printables

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The heritage of Newcastle’s former railway stations come to life in scavenger hunts. Newy with Kids, with the support of Hunter and Central Coast Development Corporation, have created family scavenger hunts for The Station and Museum Park.

These scavenger hunts are a fun activity to enjoy post-lockdown. It’s a self-directed activity that families can do in their own time and in a COVID-Safe way. It doesn’t involve touching anything but rather observing and reading signs, plaques or places of interest. It’s a great free activity to get you out of the house.

Download the scavenger hunt printables and then visit The Station or Museum Park. If you need clues, visit the Hints page for The Station and Museum Park.

You and your family will need to find various points of interest and answer the questions listed on the map to solve the mystery phrase. It’s an opportunity to notice landmarks and interesting things you might not necessarily notice at first glance.

The first scavenger hunt is located in The Station Newcastle, the former grand Newcastle Train Station.

The Station Newcastle Scavenger Hunt

There’s plenty of interesting things to find here. The space has completely been transformed from a train station to an urban plaza and with it, there’s a mix of old and new to discover. It’s a fantastic setting for a scavenger hunt. Plus, after you’ve completed the scavenger hunt, grab some lunch at Perry the Feeder, play in the kids area or browse through the retail shops.

Whether you decide to do both scavenger hunts in one day or combine them with a ride on a tram or a visit to the beach, you’re sure to have fun.

Access to some of the Scavenger Hunt landmarks may occasionally be impacted by pop-up events. To see what’s happening and plan your visit, check out The Station’s Facebook event feed.

The second scavenger hunt covers the area in Museum Park.

HCCDC Museum Park Scavenger Hunt

The site of the former Civic Train Station has now been transformed into a small urban park. Yet, it still contains remnants of its railway past. By completing the Museum Park scavenger hunt, you and your family will discover interesting things about its past as well as noticing new cultural items.

HCCDC Museum Park Scavenger Hunt

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

Download and print the scavenger hunt and visit the area marked on the map. Follow the trail marked on the map and look for different points of interest. There are questions associated with each point that may require you to notice a feature or read the plaque. You’ll then use letters from the answer to solve a mystery phrase.

Can I print the scavenger hunt?

Yes, the scavenger hunt is designed to be printed at home. It is one A4 page that can be printed double-sided (on long-side) and contains a map and list of questions. Printed copies of the scavenger hunt are also available at selected shops at The Station and Visitor Information Centre at Museum Park.

What if I don’t have a printer?

You can download the scavenger hunt to your phone and still follow the trail and answer questions. You just need a notepad to jot down the answers and then figure out the mystery phrase. If you have a iPad which works with an Apple Pencil, you can download the map and complete using an app (like Goodnotes) which enables you to fill in the PDF.

What age are these scavenger hunts suitable for?

The scavenger hunts are best suited to families with kids aged 4 – 16. If you have kids who can’t read, adults can read out the questions and get kids to search for the answer. For younger kids, there are also items that they can search for listed by icons. For older kids, it’s a fun activity that they can do with their friends while you supervise.

I don’t have kids. Can I still download and do the scavenger hunts?

Absolutely. It’s a fun way to learn more about the history and culture of Museum Park and The Station Newcastle.

How long does it take to do a scavenger hunt?

Anywhere from 20 minutes to 60 minutes depending on how quickly your family can find points of interest, answer the questions and walk to the next point on the map.

HCCDC Museum Park Scavenger Hunt

Are the areas marked on the map suitable for wheelchairs and strollers?

Yes. Both Museum Park and The Station are accessible.

What happens if we can’t figure out what the answer is for one of the questions or want to check our answer?

It’s frustrating when that happens. We’ve set up a special page that contains the answers to the questions listed on the scavenger hunt. Visit the Scavenger Hunt Hints page.

Why did you develop scavenger hunts?

We wanted to create a self-directed activity that families could do in their own time and in a COVID-Safe way. None of these scavenger hunts involves touching anything but rather observing and reading signs, plaques or places of interest.

We also wanted an opportunity to highlight landmarks that have historical and cultural significance. Although Museum Park and The Station Newcastle have been transformed, we believe it’s important to celebrate the history of these former rail sites. There are so many interesting things to discover at Museum Park and The Station Newcastle and the scavenger hunts are a fun and interactive way for families to explore and learn.

Newy with Kids would like to thank the Hunter and Central Coast Development Corporation (HCCDC) for their support. This sponsorship enabled Newy with Kids to research and develop family scavenger hunts for Museum Park and The Station.

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